This paper examines the determinants of the customer’s online food ordering experience, which include website trust, customer satisfaction and loyalty. The determinants are represented by website quality and service quality. Significant results reveal that not only is there a significant positive relationship between website quality and website trust but also a significant positive relationship between service quality and customer satisfaction. Within the food and beverage industry in Malaysia, there is an emerging new wave, the online food delivery (OFD) service. Not just restricted to the take-away and eating out, online food ordering is the new eating out. The emergence of the online food delivery services could be attributed to the changing nature of urban consumers. Furthermore, significant positive relationships are also identified not only between website trust and customer satisfaction but also between customer satisfaction and loyalty. Finally, the study also found an unexpected direct link between service quality and loyalty. Overall, the study provides valuable insights for operating online food ordering services successfully.
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In-Text Citation: (Suppiah et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Suppiah, T. R. A., Fenn, C. J., & Al-Khaled, A. A. S. (2021). The Relationship between E-Service Quality and E-Satisfaction of Online Food Ordering in the Klang Valley, Malaysia. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(7), 1121–1143.
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