International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Integration of Parental Monitoring and Parental Communication Factors on Deviant Behaviours of Adolescents in Peninsular Malaysia

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This research aimed to study the factors for parents’ monitoring and parents’ communication and their effects on deviant behaviours among adolescents in Peninsular Malaysia. This study utilized a mixed mode design which are Simultaneous Triangulation Design for the quantitative data; and qualitative data. Findings from the quantitative data established that parents’ monitoring negatively correlates with adolescents’ deviant behaviour. Whereas, parents’ communication did not present any significant relationship with deviant behaviour from adolescents. From interviews relating to parents’ monitoring, two sub-themes were identified which are the lack of monitoring of the child’s activity and perception of parents’ monitoring. The sub-themes uncovered from the interview on parents’ communication were three which are communication between parents and child, conflict of communication, and the perception on the importance of communication. The result from the integration of data on the factors for parent’s monitoring is paralleled and the qualitative data supported the quantitative data. Whilst the finding from the integration of data on parents’ communication was different, qualitatively, it was found that poor communication between parents and their child will lead to deviant behaviour. In conclusion, parent’s monitoring plays an important role in ensuring that adolescents do not get involve in deviant behaviour. Good monitoring makes adolescents feel that they are given enough attention and feel guilty if involved in deviant behaviour. Good communication from the parents help to improve adolescents’ creativity, ideas, and allow for effective two-way communication between parents and child. Further, adolescents feel the need to be more rationale and even avoid from participating in deviant activities.
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In-Text Citation: (Aziz et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Aziz, S., Hoesni, S. N. S. M., & Manap, J. (2021). Integration of Parental Monitoring and Parental Communication Factors on Deviant Behaviours of Adolescents in Peninsular Malaysia. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(7), 956–973.