International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Teaching Methods Used by Tamil School Physical Education Teachers

Open access

Kalaivanee Chinanapan, Gunathevan Elumalai, Doewes Rumi Iqbal, Fariba Hossein Abadi, Mohansundar Sankaravel

Pages 951-955 Received: 17 May, 2021 Revised: 20 Jun, 2021 Published Online: 29 Jul, 2021
This study was conducted to identify teaching methods used by Bagan Datuk District Tamil schools' physical education teachers. Quantitative approach with a one-shot case study design was used for this study. Total of 60 physical education teachers from the Bagan Datuk district were chosen using the purposive sampling method as respondents. A simple questionnaire developed by the researcher was used in this study to collect the data. The data were analyzed descriptively. The results showed that 66.7% of PE teachers apply the instructional method, 25% use the regular game's strategy, and 5% use the modified game's method. Analysis based on gender showed there were no significant differences. Both men and women teachers prefer to teach using traditional methods. Most of them said it's easy to teach in the traditional way rather than new methods because of no exam for physical education. In conclusion, most of the Tamil schools' Physical Education teachers are familiar with the instructional method. Therefore, multi-approach must be maximized in Physical Education classes to enhance pupils' physical activity and wellness achievement.
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In-Text Citation: (Chinanapan et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Chinanapan, K., Elumalai, G., Iqbal, D. R., Abadi, F. H., & Sankaravel, M. (2021). Teaching Methods Used by Tamil School Physical Education Teachers. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(7), 951–955.