Universities in Palestine are facing many problems in terms of organizational performance and its ability to agile (1) financing problems and fund raising (2) scientific research challenges (3) managerial practices challenges (4) the level employees’ efficiency. Besides, studies on resources and capabilities that enable organization to be agile is still nascent. This study aims to examine effect of employee empowerment and knowledge management on decision-making agility. Moreover, It examines the mediating role of extra-role performance between employee empowerment and knowledge management on one hand and decision-making agility on the other hand in the Palestinian context. Using data from a survey of 289 employees of Palestinian universities, this study tests a structural equation model that relates to employee empowerment, knowledge management, extra-role performance and decision-making agility. The results of the study revealed that employee empowerment and knowledge management impact decision-making agility indirectly. On the other hand, the relationship between employee empowerment and knowledge management and decision-making agility is mediated by extra-role performance. And this is the main contribution of the present study since extra-role performance has not been deployed in this place according to literature review.
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In-Text Citation: (Salahat, 2021)
To Cite this Article: Salahat, M. A. (2021). Employee Empowerment, Knowledge Management and Decision-making Agility; Mediating Role of Extra-role Performance. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(7), 933–950.
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