The educational system across the world had immensely been affected due to COVID-19 outbreak. Teaching and learning shifted from traditional way which involves face-to-face interaction and in physical classroom, to online learning either synchronously or asynchronously. Therefore, the aim of this study to examine the level of students’ satisfaction towards online learning implemented at the higher education level during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. The study adopted the quantitative approach through survey which was collected through online questionnaire. The study respondents were drawn from 65 undergraduate students enrolled in online leaning at Faculty of Education, The National University of Malaysia. Data collected were analysed using Statistical Package Social Science 23 (SPSS 23) software and presented in the form of percentages and mean scores. The study revealed that undergraduate students were satisfied towards the use of online learning in term of learners’ dimension (M = 3.31), technology characteristics (M = 3.66) and instructor characteristics (M = 3.70). The study revealed the students had positive perceptions towards online learning and accepted this as the new learning system. In fact, online learning has emerged as a new way of enhancing the learning process. The findings of the study will facilitate educational institutions and policy makers to take this online learning process to the next level in a better way.
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In-Text Citation: (Shaid et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Shaid, N. A. N., Kamruzaman, F. M., & Sulaiman, N. A. (2021). Online Learning During Ongoing Covid-19 Pandemic: A Survey of Students’ Satisfaction. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(7), 898-910.
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