Investigation on the use of both collaborative writing and Google Classroom during group tasks among Malaysian students from a degree in Graphic Design programme is the objective of this study. The participants selected had completed a product-centred English course which focused on communication at the workplace, academic writing and reading for academic purposes prior to data collection. Group-writing tasks in the form of producing a memorandum, a letter of complaint and an argumentative essay were performed by four case study groups in this study. Research instruments used to obtain data of the student collaboration were interviews, diary entries and observations. Consequently, benefits on task performance derived from student collaboration and the impact of using collaborative writing and editing in a Google Classroom were obtained. The critical incidents observed in the study were an increase of motivation in performing tasks and a decrease of anxiety in receiving feedback from peers. In addition, recommendations on improving collaborative writing and editing ranged from setting a shorter deadline for collaborative work, providing clear roles to participants and providing appropriate guidance in providing feedback. It could be concluded that Google Classroom is an effective application in promoting learning among tertiary-level students when its use is refined.
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In-Text Citation: (Lin, 2021)
To Cite this Article: Lin, S. F. (2021). A Case Study on the Impact of Using Collaborative Writing and Editing among Tertiary-Level Students in a Google Classroom. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(7), 859–868.
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