International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


The Impact of Human Resources Management Practices (HRMPs) on Job Burnout among Faculty Members in Public and Private Universities in Jordan

Open access

Haitham Ali Hijazi, Dalal M. Al-Zoubi, Shehadeh Al-Gharaibah, Asaad Alsakarneh, Tharwat Al-Hawamdeh

Pages 763-786 Received: 19 May, 2021 Revised: 21 Jun, 2021 Published Online: 27 Jul, 2021
This study aimed to identify the impact of human resources management practices on job burnout among faculty members of various academic ranks working in public and private universities in Jordan, as well as knowing the percentage of faculty members who would like to leave their universities if they had the opportunity to work in another university. (305) questionnaires were analyzed out of (375) distributed ones, forming the study sample.
The study found that the overall level of human resources management practices and the overall level of job burnout feeling were moderate. And that human resources management practices has an impact on the feeling of job burnout among faculty members. The results also showed that job burnout among faculty members in private universities is slightly higher than their counterparts in public universities. The study revealed that (50.5%) of the respondents will consider leaving their universities if they had the opportunity to work in another university, because of their job burnout feeling due to human resources management practices applied in their universities. The study highly recommended the development and improvement of human resources management practices in Jordanian public and private universities.
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In-Text Citation: (Hijazi et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Hijazi, H. A., Al-Zoubi, D. M., Al-Gharaibah, S., Alsakarneh, A., & Al-Hawamdeh, T. (2021). The Impact of Human Resources Management Practices (HRMPs) on Job Burnout among Faculty Members in Public and Private Universities in Jordan. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(7), 763–786.