This study aims to identify the relationship scores of youth's patriotism tendencies before and after attending Ethnic Relations Subject (ERS) and analyse whether there is a relationship between the value of ethnic harmony, identity and spirit of volunteerism with students' patriotism tendencies that are blind patriotism and constructive patriotism. The study locations were at three public universities randomly selected in a group of focused universities, research universities and comprehensive universities. The research approach conducted is through a quantitative approach that uses a survey method through a questionnaire instrument and involves a total of 351 samples (N = 351). Further information obtained from the questionnaire was analysed multiple regressions. The analysis results are expressed in the form of percentages and significant values. Overall, the results of the data analysis showed that there is simple relationship between blind patriotism, ethnic harmony and volunteerism and a simple relationship between constructive patriotism, ethnic harmony and identity.
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In-Text Citation: (Basir et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Basir, S. N. M., Ismail, F., Othman, N. Z., & Hassan, J. (2021). Using Multiple Regression Approach to Study Youth’s Patriotism Tendency. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(7), 687–695.
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