Waqf plays an important role as a financing instrument for educational institution development. In Malaysia, the majority of the educational waqf institutions focus on the establishment of pondok institutions and religious schools that were built on waqf lands and properties for the purpose of education. Up until today, a number of pondok institutions in Malaysia still rely on public donations for management and administration costs. Using cash waqf as a financing instrument for pondok institution development is seen as an alternative in coping with this issue. Therefore, this research is done to see the suitability of using cash waqf as a financing instrument for Malaysian pondok institution development. This framework uses qualitative research, which involves primary and secondary data. The findings of this research are hoped to reveal the role cash waqf play as a pondok financing instrument in Malaysia.
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In-Text Citation: (Fazial et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Fazial, F., Hassan, S. H. M., Abdullah, S. R., Hamid, C. K., & Yahaya, S. (2021). Financing Pondok Institution Development through Cash Waqf. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(7), 607–613.
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