Key Management System 2.0 (KeMas 2.0) is successfully developed in order to overcome lecture room/lab key lost problem and unidentified key user in Electrical Engineering Department, Politeknik Sultan Haji Ahmad Shah (POLISAS), Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia. This project has been developed in line with industry 4.0 revolution by using internet of thing (IoT) technology. The design of KeMas 2.0 is done using Arduino Mega 2560 Pro as microcontroller and ESP8266 NodeMCU wi-fi module which sends data over the cloud. KeMas 2.0 also utilizes the Telegram chat application bot as notification and monitoring the retrieval and return of the keys. KeMas 2.0 is equipped with two sensors, namely RFID reader and fingerprint scanner as biometric sensor. These two sensors provide an alternative to the users, either to use identification card or fingerprint. Once the user swipes his or her identification card or place fingerprint, the key is allowed to be taken and signal will be sent to Telegram application through mobile phone to notify the name of the person who takes the key and the name of room/lab key that he or she took. Subsequently, when the key is returned, notification will also be sent via Telegram application. Hence, users will always get the latest information on the availability of the keys. KeMas 2.0 is proven to be effective in solving key lost problem in Electrical Engineering Department, Politeknik Sultan Haji Ahmad Shah (POLISAS).
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In-Text Citation: (Amir et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Amir, F., Hamzah, N. H., & Zabawi, N. H. (2021). Development of Key Management System 2.0 (KeMas 2.0) using RFID and Biometric Scanner based on Arduino Mega 2560 Pro and NodeMCU. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(7), 593–598.
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