International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Impact of Culture on Innovativeness in IT Organizations in India

Open access
Innovation has become core driver of cost-effective, sustainable growth in today’s hyper-competitive business climate. Industry understood the need to have a well-defined innovation strategy for its business success. No one can rest on yesterday’s success and expect lunch today. “Innovate or die” has become a rallying cry. Firms must be productive to keep the profit growing or to continue going good in the market. To become an innovative institution, one need to have a culture that inspire, build and nurture innovative minds. Thus, setting up the right innovation culture has become crucial for every organization.
This research study takes organizational culture and explores its effect on innovativeness of IT firms. The study conducts a culture audit among selected 8 IT firms and assesses its innovativeness. The study tests the culture-innovation relationship through the data collected from these IT firms. The findings offer significant facts on the effects of organizational culture on firm’s innovativeness.