The art of visual displays and the arrangement of merchandising solutions in a shop is virtual merchandising, which improves layout and design, increases development, sales and thereby profitability. Visual merchandising affects the shopping experience directly, making it relevant for retailers to ensure an efficient nature of their business climate. The main aspiration of this study is to figure out the visual merchandising elements which influence on an individual’s purchase intention. A sample of 356 respondents available at different fashion stores in Malaysia was used to get the study outcomes following the quantitative analysis. The Smart PLS 3.0 was used for analysing the data. This study claims that there is a positive and significant relationship between store layout and consumer’s intention to purchase. Then, a positive and significant relationship is also found between product display and consumer’s intention to purchase. Furthermore, a positive and significant relationship is found between colour & lighting and consumer’s intention to purchase. Moreover, a positive and significant relationship is not found between cleanliness and consumer’s intention to purchase. The outcomes of this study will help the policy makers, government and entrepreneurs to make their fashion stores gorgeous. This study would enable fashion retailers to build more insightful, engaging online shops, which will then boost retail sales online.
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In-Text Citation: (Mondol et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Mondol, E. P., Salman, N. A., Rahid, A. O., & Karim, A. M. (2021). The Effects of Visual Merchandising on Consumer’s Willingness to Purchase in the Fashion Retail Stores. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(7), 383–397.
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