The Research Instrument is a method used to measure the observed natural and social phenomena. The data collection instrument in this research was survey questionnaire, which included statements intended to quantify key research constructs. Additionally, Validity is the proof from which an instrument tests what it is supposed to measure. In a research study, a valid instrument is necessary for gathering important and accurate data. This study was being performed as a valid and reliable instrument in Jordan. To assess the instrument, reliability test and exploratory factor analysis (EFA) were used to produce an empirical check of the questionnaire's validity and reliability. All items were measured using the ten-point interval scale using 1 for strongly disagree and 10 as strongly agree with the given statement. The instrument measured four constructs, namely Job Performance (JB), Role Stressor (RS); Role Ambiguity (RA), Role conflict (RC), Role overload (RO), Leadership Style (LS) Autocratic Leadership Style (ALS), Democratic Leadership Style (DLS), Laissez fair Leadership Style (LLS), and Workplace Bullying (WPB). The target population of this study is 15073 Administrative staff in Jordanian public universities based on the Annual Statistical Report on the Ministry of Higher Education in Jordan 2017. The sample size of this study is the 100 administrative staff in Jordanian universities. The Bartletts’ Test of Sphericity is significant (sig. 000). Furthermore, the resulting values of KMO ranged from 0.820 to 0.926, which were above the cut-off value of 0.6. The four components have Cronbach’s alpha values with more than 0.7. Furthermore, Cronbach’s Alpha value for all 53 items also exceeded the threshold value of 0.7. The development scale and validation confirmed that the instrument is consistent and stable across samples.
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In-Text Citation: (Almnaizel & Arifin, 2021)
To Cite this Article: Almnaizel, M. F., & Arifin, A. S. Y. & J. (2021). The Exploratory Factor Analysis and Analysis of Reliability for Role Stressor, Leadership Style, Workplace Bullying and Job Performance Criteria. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(7), 324–335.
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