English has become a necessary part of daily life in the age of globalization. The importance of English in the educational system has been recognized by people all over the world. In Malaysia, many students have achieved high language proficiency in English despite the fact that they are non-native speakers. One of the areas that need to be emphasized these days is the effective use of vocabulary in teaching primary school pupils. Thus, the aim of this study was to find out students’ perception of using memory strategies training for vocabulary development to 30 Year 5 students in one of Negeri Sembilan's primary schools. This is to help them improve their vocabulary learned in English language classes from the implementation of a collection of strategies. A survey was carried out in order to assess the perception of memory strategy training on students' vocabulary growth. The results from the survey showed that students perceived the using of memory techniques as a vocabulary learning strategy in improving their vocabulary development and it is more successful than using word lists. This is based on language learning strategies for acquiring a large vocabulary and it was then used to come to a conclusion on how good language learners develop their vocabulary while studying English. The findings provided tips on how to teach English vocabulary in EFL classrooms as well as ideas about how teachers can use different strategies in the classroom. It also recommends that educators, students, policymakers, content manufacturers, and syllabus designers step away from conventional methods of vocabulary instruction and toward more creative methods.
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In-Text Citation: (Mohamad et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Mohamad, N. Z., Hashim, Z., Parjan, H. W., Shukor, S. N. E. A., Rajagopal, K., & Hashim, H. (2021). Students’ Perception of Using Memory Strategies Training for Vocabulary Development. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(7), 311–323.
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