In the current era, human society strongly needs to spirituality, religiosity and morality. Hospital personnel can treat their job as a spiritual mission through combining spirituality with their profession. The researcher addressed spiritual intelligence since, according to conducted researches; this mechanism has a fundamental role in recovering patients’ health and in improving therapeutic personnel performance. The present research aims to investigate the relationship between spiritual intelligence and hospital performance.
In this research, 910 people including physicians, supervisors and nurses constituted the statistical population, and 168 people were selected with random sampling as the sample population. To assess the validity of the questionnaire, Structural validity and Content validity were employed, and to evaluate the reliability of the questionnaire, Cranach’s alpha was used. The present study has an applied objective and a descriptive-survey nature, and variables have correlation with each other. The data collection was carried out through library research and applying a researcher-made questionnaire to confirm or reject the research hypotheses, and to test the hypotheses, correlation coefficient and structural equation modeling were used.
In the area of Spiritual Intelligence, the results of structural equation modeling respectively emphasized on “Conscious State Expansion”, “Personal Meaning Production”, “Critical Existential Thinking” and “Transcendental Awareness”. Also, in the area of Hospital Performance, “Patients’ Satisfaction”, “Rapid Recovery of Patients and Maintaining and Promoting Health”, “Promoting the Quality”, “Strengthening the Relationship between Patients and Therapeutic Personnel” and “Reducing Costs” in consequence was of great importance according to structural equation modeling”.
The results of the research showed that a statistically meaningful relationship exists between spiritual intelligence of the personnel and hospital performance, and using a standard estimating model, it was perceived that about 24.01 percent of fluctuations in the hospital performance were affected by spiritual intelligence of the personnel. Thus, the main hypothesis stating that, at a confidence level of 95 percent in the sample population, spiritual intelligence improves the hospital performance was accepted, and accordingly, all the hypotheses
Copyright: © 2018 The Author(s)
Published by Human Resource Management Academic Research Society (
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