The clash of civilisations concept is an antonym to the dialogue of civilisations concept. This concept is frequently highlighted on the academic and political stage when discussions linger around global discontent. Palestine and globalisation were chosen for discussion in order to discover the significance of these issues and its relations to the clash of civilisations. This qualitative study adopted the content analysis design based on relevant sources. Findings indicate that values related to the clash of civilisations are crucial to the issue of Palestine and globalisation. Hence, the world should pay serious attention to both these issues as all interested parties sincerely advocate the successful application of the dialogue of civilisations concept.
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In-Text Citation: (Mohamad et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Mohamad, M. Z., Hasan, A. F., Salleh, A. Z., Idris, M. F. H. M., Yusof, S., Wahab, A. H. A., & Nazim, Y. (2021). The Issue of Palestine and Globalisation: From a Clash of Civilisations Perspective. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(7), 44–50.
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