International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


The Mutual Respect Method for Motivating Leaders and Followers

Open access
Leaders and followers have a dynamic relationship that could inspire and motivate each other. In Islam, it is generally considered that a leader is responsible for leading and guiding the followers and the followers in turn have the responsibility to follow their leader as long as the leader’s actions are based on Islamic sharia. This shows that both, leaders and followers, need one another to enhance their motivation to implement each other’s responsibilities. One method for enhancing motivation is through respect. Hence, what type of respect should exist between a leader and the followers, specifically in Islam? Although a leader holds a high position, should followers respect their leader without any basis or without the leader showing mutual respect? Do followers have to feel they are respected by their leaders in order for them to be continuously motivated? Based on these emerging questions, this article has two objectives, namely, to identify the concept of respect in an Islamic leadership and analyse that concept based on the relationship between a leader and the followers according to Islam. This article is qualitative in nature and data were obtained using the document research method. Findings show that although leaders hold a high position, the leader should respect the followers to ensure that they are always motivated in carrying out their responsibilities. Moreover, followers cannot hope that they will be respected by their leaders because at the same time they too should respect their leaders. Therefore, according to this mutual respect method, the motivation level of leaders and followers will be at an appreciable level needed for carrying out their respective tasks.
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In-Text Citation: (Samsudin & Ahmad, 2021)
To Cite this Article: Samsudin, N. H., & Ahmad, F. A. (2021). The Mutual Respect Method for Motivating Leaders and Followers. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(6), 33–43.