Recently, the science of Qira’at is seen to be gradually developing from time to time, in line with the current mainstream growth. However, its development is still seen to own its shortcomings. The misunderstanding among Muslim scholars related to connection and differences between al-Quran, Sab’atul Ahruf and Qira’at is a weakness that should be appropriately overcome. This research paper tries to see the level of knowledge among Terengganu Muslim scholars pertaining to the epistemology of Qira’at. It is considered to be important as the basic information on the science of Qira’at should be well-comprehended before going beyond into deeper discussions. This research identified that the level of Muslim scholars is still at a level of moderate and requires improvement from the aspect of its exposure in the future. Besides, this paper proposes few solutions to manage and enhance the level of knowledge of Muslim scholars in related to this issue.
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In-Text Citation: (Razali et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Razali, M. A. M., Idris, M. N. M. N. M. F. H. M., Salleh, A. Z., Yusof, N. H., & Yusof, S. bin. (2021). Analysis Level of Knowledge Related to Terminology of Science of Qira’at Among Terengganu Muslim Scholars. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(6), 13–21.
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