Recently, the transsexual problem in Malaysia has become more and more serious. This is a concern because transsexual behavior causes a variety of adverse effects. In fact, transsexual behavior itself is contrary to normal human life. In addition, most of those involved with this transsexual problem is among the youth who are supposed to be the future leaders of the country. Nevertheless, the question is, how did the transsexual problem begin and its development in Malaysia until the statistics on the number of transsexual perpetrators released by the Pink Triangle Foundation in 2013 was 30,000 people in Malaysia. Apart from that, does the development of transsexual problems in Malaysia have particular implications for the Muslim community in Malaysia? Therefore, to answer these questions, this paper has two main objectives. First, to explain the development of transsexual problems in human civilization, including Malaysia. Second, to explain the implications of transsexual problems on the Muslim community in Malaysia. In order to achieve both of these objectives, the documentation method is carried out. A documentation study was conducted to obtain data related to the development of transsexual problems in Malaysia and its implications for the Muslim community in Malaysia. Data were collected using content analysis. The findings of this study found that the development of transsexual symptoms has occurred since the early days of the world until today. This phenomenon also has a negative impact on the Muslim community in Malaysia and challenges the position of the Federal Religion, namely Islam.
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In-Text Citation: (Anas et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Anas, W. N. I. W. N., Ali, A. K., Ahmad, B., & Khairuldin, W. M. K. F. W. (2021). The Development of Transexual and its Implications on the Muslim Society in Malaysia. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(7), 7–12.
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