Ever since the tahfiz field gains traction among Malaysians especially after the 1990s, various tahfiz methods and models have been introduced either by individuals, organizations or institutions to inculcate the interest of the wider society to memorize the al-Quran as well. Among the popular methods and models of tahfiz al-Quran in Malaysia are Tahfiz al-Baghdadi Method, Tahfiz Ulul Albab Model and the Malaysian Tahfiz Model. Notwithstanding the ultimate goal and purpose of each method and model of tahfiz is to help memorizers of the al-Qur'an in remembering The Book well, it actually requires the correct approach or methodology to ensure each element in the formulation of methods, models or modules of tahfiz al-Quran would be covering all necessary aspects in the process of memorizing the al-Quran, as well as via the recognition of experts in the field and the evaluation process by key stakeholders in the field of tahfiz al-Quran. Thus, this paperwork seeks to bring forth research discussion from the perspective of design and development of tahfiz al-Quran model especially in Malaysia as a guidance for making any tahfiz method, model or model that suffices the proper academic methodology research for either of those three components.
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In-Text Citation: (Samad et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Samad, M. S. H. bin A., Yusoff, M. Y. @ Z. bin M., & Ariffin, S. bin. (2021). Tahfiz al-quran in Malaysia: A Study from the View of Model Design and Development Research (DDR). International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(8), 1820–1828.
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