The teaching of Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) is always applicable when it comes to improve the quality of teaching practices among Islamic Education Teachers. Having said that, this practice is given less importance among the teachers, particularly in the teaching of Quranic verses comprehension. Therefore, this study aims to identify HOTS competency elements needed by Islamic Education Teachers in teaching Quranic verses comprehension from perspective of experts in the related field. The study was conducted qualitatively using semi -structured interview method. A total of six experts were interviewed consisting of three university lecturers, a Curriculum Specialist from the Curriculum Development division and two Head Instructors of secondary school Islamic Education Teachers. All experts were selected through purposive sampling and have fully met all the required criteria. Interview data were analyzed using thematic techniques namely transcription, coding. Additionally themes verbatim were also analysed using atlas ti version 8. Knowledge Element is the main theme of this study with several other sub-themes namely processes, procedures and meta-cognitive.
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In-Text Citation: (Hamidon et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Hamidon, M., Sihes, A. J., & Nor, H. M. (2021). View of Experts on Knowledge Competency of Higher Order Thinking Skills in The Teaching of Quranic Verses Comprehension. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(8), 1805–1819.
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