Since the beginning of digitalisation, employees are faced with the need to adapt to technology and ICTs. It is deemed to be one of the crucial skills possessed by an individual. As much as this is well needed before, the current situation where remote working is a must due to Covid-19 lockdown requires employees to upgrade their technology-related skills. The obligation to upgrade their ICT skills and use ICT fully in task creates anxiety and stress, namely technostress. This paper is discussing technostress conceptually including different dimensions in technostress (creators and prohibitors) and how each dimension affecting the individual as an ICT user. Furthermore, eustress is introduced as a new dimension in technostress. With limitations and suggestions for future researchers, this paper is thought to contribute to the topic of technostress and understanding its context.
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In-Text Citation: (Norhisham, 2021)
To Cite this Article: Norhisham, N. (2021). Understanding Technostress During the Era of Covid-19: A Conceptual Paper. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(8), 1784–1794.
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