Teacher questioning elements for critical thinking is crucial to ensure the process of teaching and learning. It is dependent on the teacher’s ability and capability to master questioning techniques. Questioning skills are not just about acquiring information, rather they are meant to help build a positive communication climate and foster mutual understanding and cooperation between teachers and their students. This study aimed to examine the elements of teacher questioning for critical thinking. Early evidence of the validity of the teacher questioning element for critical thinking was obtained through Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA). Based on the EFA procedure, the study used principal axis factoring and varimax rotation. This study was a fully quantitative study which used a survey method employing a questionnaire as the study instrument. A total of 147 students were involved as respondents in this study. Data was analysed descriptively using Cronbach’s Alpha reliability test and Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA). There were 3 respondents who were excluded due to outliers in the normality analysis. The normality results achieved showed a Cronbach’s Alpha value of 0.874, well beyond 0.60. The results of the exploratory factor analysis showed three factors which Eigen values were greater than 1.0. A KMO’s (Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin’s) value of 0.954, higher than 0.6, indicates that the items in the teacher questioning element variable for critical thinking were sufficient to be interrelated. Mean while, the Bartlett Test was significant (Chi Square =10295.506, p <0.05). No items were excluded and all values of loading factor obtained exceeded 0.50, the minimum value for new items. The results of the study indicates that, the EFA has integrated teacher questioning element factors for critical thinking. From the result obtain, teachers are encouraged to master their critical thinking skills inspite of the questioning technique alone.Therefore, this study provides a platform for empirical research and further causal relationship studies in the future.
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In-Text Citation: (Jais et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Jais, A., Yahaya, N., Ibrahim, N. H., & Mohammad, N. Bin. (2021). Exploratory Factor Analysis in Teacher Questioning Elements for Critical Thinking among form 4 Students in Some Selected Schools in the State of Sarawak. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(8), 1751–1760.
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