Globalization has enabled people to live in a borderless world. People interact openly and conveniently with people from across the globe. As such, they are often being introduced to new ways of doing things. Language is no longer a barrier as many are learning foreign languages for their own reasons. One way people immerse themselves in another culture is by mirroring the other culture-their food. This study investigates the emergence of fast food called Ramen that has changed the way people around the world look at their fast food consumption. 530 participants from several countries responded to a survey asking their perception of the consumption of Ramen. Findings in this study have shown that young adults turn to Ramen for its convenience and its availability. The next findings also showed that respondents felt they were immersing themselves in the culture that they liked. Finally, findings also showed that many have turned to consumption as a way of their life. Findings in this study can pave more future studies on the relationship of language, culture, and food.
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In-Text Citation: (Tan et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Tan, N. A., Boon, M. H. A., Ahdiani, U., Rosiah, R., Zubbir, N., & Rahmat, N. H. (2021). Ramen Among Millennials: Display of Mediational Process in Social Learning. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(8), 1672–1686.
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