This paper discusses the Malay cultural heritage found in science and technology- fiction novels, namely Detik (2012), Kronikel Etanol (2015) and Klon (2015). In short, the Malay cultural heritage refers to a practice or way of life inherited from generation to generation and is still practiced by the young generation today. This study was conducted based on the opinion of academics, who pointed out that science fiction and technology-based novels accordingly displays the culture of Malay heritage. With that, this study will focus on two objectives that are, to classify and analyze the Malay cultural heritage found in the aforementioned novels that are studied on. Qualitative research method and text analysis as well as the application of Teori Warisan are used as the theoretical foundation in this study. The result of this study found that the Malay cultural heritage includes procedures the life of the Malay community is based on the family system and social system. Both of these institutions are a symbol of the Malay cultural heritage.
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In-Text Citation: (Zain et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Zain, R. M., Affendi, N. R. N. M., Kamarudin, K., & Muhammad, S. J. N. (2021). Malay Cultural Heritage in Selected Science Fiction Novels. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(8), 1553–1562.
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