International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


The Effects of Social Media Influencer towards Factors of Muslim Millennial Generation's Attitude into Halal Food Product Purchase in Malaysia

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Consumers have a tendency to reviews goods and services first before make a decision to buy. Consumer often to use the social platform to seek the information. In a current decade, the use of social media has in debate increased as a source to dig information. Social media influencers became part of the crucial medium in advertising goods and services to the consumers. The credible source of information by persuasive message can influence the purchasing behaviour of consumers towards goods and services. The global Halal industry as a one of the fastest growing markets, the whole industry is estimated to worth around USD2.3 trillion (excluding Islamic finance) a year. Thus, this paper will examine the attitudes of halal food products purchasing among Muslim Millennials using non-probability sampling method of 403 respondents. The findings of this study shown that Trustworthiness and Social Media Influencer Expertise’s can affect attitude of halal food products purchasing among Muslim Millennial in Malaysia who are deemed as an influential group of consumers.
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In-Text Citation: (Rahim et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Rahim, H., Rasool, M. S. A., Rusli, N. R. L., & Ani, N. (2021). The Effects of Social Media Influencer towards Factors of Muslim Millennial Generation’s Attitude into Halal Food Product Purchase in Malaysia. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(8), 1488–1500.