This study seeks to examine the level of acceptance of financial technology (m-banking) among baby- boomers in Melaka. A self-administered questionnaire was completed online by 73 respondents (aged 55 years or more) who use their mobile devices to conduct banking activities. Results confirm that perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness and risk are the main elements influencing baby-boomers behavioural intention to use mobile banking services in Melaka. As a result, incorporating user experience as a value-adding differentiator is critical for increasing customer satisfaction and loyalty besides to widen the usage of mobile banking among old generation. In addition, the security is a top priority. Redoing the study in a post- COVID context would also be an interesting avenue of research. The ageing market is important for banks. This study highlights, in an m-banking context, which dimension of experience to focus on in order to improve level of using the mobile banking. This study also has supplied significant insights and information to banks, service providers, and software engineers in order to increase consumers' willingness to utilise mobile banking services in the future. After all, it can be described that the demographic factors can influence the acceptance and the usage of mobile banking includes age, race, networking, style of living and level of education where this study has not been thoroughly investigated. Lee (2009) descried that some demographic factor interrelate that may have an impact on mobile banking adoption. This study is the first to consider mobile service experience of elderly individuals as well as the impact of each of the experience dimensions on an important dependent variable, acceptance. By considering the perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness and risk as independent variable. this study also provides an in-depth examination of these variable towards the dependent variable.
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In-Text Citation: (Miskan et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Miskan, N. H., Hussin, N. L., Muhamad, N., Esa, M. M., & Aziz, N. E. M. (2021). The Financial Technology (M-Banking) Adoption Among Baby-Boomers in Twenty-First Century. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(8), 1453–1464.
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