Securing social security among older people amid the pandemic of Covid-19 is concerning. Insufficient savings from pension retirements has posed a challenge to older persons for life continual. Plus, the older persons and patients with comorbidities are at a high risk of suffering severe forms of the Covid-19 pandemic and even mortality. The novel Covid-19 has hit hardest our economy. This has unfolded fear, especially among the older persons, considering their limitation to sustain more savings amid Covid-19. Besides, the social care and pension system in our country are also staggering, which should be put into the main consideration by our government. Hence, it ponders the question to the readers “to what extend the implementation of pension scheme in our country has secured the financial savings among older persons. Attempting to answer this question, this paper aims to examine the underlying gaps in the implementation of pension retirement in our country and drawing the best practices from other countries like Japan, Singapore and others.
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In-Text Citation: (Aziz et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Aziz, N. A. B., Mustapha, S. Z., Hassim, N. H., & Shaari, N. F. (2021). Improving Social Security among Older Persons in Malaysia During Covid-19 by Applying Best Practices from Other Countries. International Journal Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(8), 1443–1452.
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