The integrity of political participation is a practice that should exist in a democratic environment like Malaysia. However, empirical studies on political participation integrity are less concerned by social sciences and humanities scholars. Therefore, this study focuses on examined the psychometric scale of the political participation integrity among young people. An adapted scale of the political participation integrity was tested on 388 students in Melaka state from four higher education institutions, namely Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM), Universiti Teknikal Malaysia, Melaka, Universiti Multimedia (MMU) Melaka and Kolej Universiti Islam Melaka (KUIM) by simple random sampling. The scale of the integrity of political participation Instrument was integrated from a combination of Social Media Usage and Online Political Participation Scale and Integrity Scale to test the value of young people’s integrity through confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). Results show that the multi-dimensional model of political participation integrity has achieved goodness-of-fit and achieved convergent validity based on the significant relationship of each variable. This scale also reached discriminant validity and predictive validity that supports the psychometric characteristics of the Malay version. This study directly contributes to forming the integrity of the political participation scale that previous researchers have overlooked.
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In-Text Citation: (Hassan et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Hassan, M. S., Mahbob, M. H., Wahab, Z. A., & Mustaffa, F. (2021). Political Participation Integrity Scale: Validity and Psychometric. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(8), 1386–1399.
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