This study examines the role of fiqh methods in strengthening the fatwa related to vaccine injection by the Perlis State Mufti Department. This study is based on the confusion of the Muslim community, especially in the state of Perlis regarding the law (hukm) of vaccination as well as it is a new issue that requires the solution of Shariah through fatwas. Therefore, the Perlis State Mufti Department issued an official fatwa that the Covid-19 vaccine is allowed, and it must (wajib) be taken by the group set by the Government of Malaysia. The methodology of this study is qualitative, where data is obtained through a literature review by referring to books, journals, and relevant circulars. Then the researchers performed a content analysis on the data obtained. The results of the study show that there are four methods of fiqh that support the fatwa issued, namely, (1) harm should be eliminated, (2) should not harm oneself and others, (3) the actions of leaders related to the people should be guided by maslahah and (4) prioritise a matter based on its habit. Therefore, it can be concluded that the fatwa on the adoption of the Covid-19 vaccine issued by the Perlis State Mufti Department is in line and supported by strong fiqh methods.
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In-Text Citation: (Yusli et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Yusli, A. Y., Asni, F., & Umar, A. I. binti. (2021). The Role of Fiqh Method in Strengthening Fatwa Related to Vaccine Injection for Prevent Covid-19 by Perlis State Mufti Department. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(8), 1326–1335.
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