The employment’s issues of people with disability (PWD) are not only limited to Malaysia but extend to the global context. Despite introducing the Malaysian Disabilities Act 2008, which entitled PWD for an equal right to access to employment, and various strategies at the national level, the employment rates for PWD are still low. PWDs are often excluded from the mainstream labour market, thence considered as the marginalized group. This research was conducted to explore the factors of low employment among deaf people, particularly in Johor Bahru, Malaysia. Qualitative research design was employed for this study whereby a focus group discussion was conducted with job coaches in a PWD Job Placement Unit and with the president of Deaf Society. The findings revealed several organizational, people and extra-organizational factors that contribute to low employment among deaf people.
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In-Text Citation: (Rahman et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Rahman, R. H. A., Anuaruddin, N., Rahman, A. A. A., Patah, S. A., & Yusof, H. M. (2021). Understanding the Factors of Low Employment among Deaf People From the Perspective of Job Coaches. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(8), 1227–1238.
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