International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Using English Vlog within YouTube as A Tool to Enhance Speaking Skills

Open access
The objective of this study is to explore students’ perceptions of English vlog within YouTube as a tool to improve speaking skills. Participants of this study are 59 fourth-year undergraduate students from a university in Malaysia. The descriptive quantitative research design was employed in this study. Students' perceptions of using English vlog within YouTube to help improve speaking skills were revealed through a questionnaire. There were 4 sections and 30 survey questions. Findings reveal that English Vlog within YouTube offers many positive changes towards students’ speaking skills in the aspects of language learning and motivation. Students learn many new vocabularies, proper pronunciation, contextual words, and different slangs besides the increase in motivation to speak in English. Thus, it is encouraged that teachers use English Vlog with YouTube more frequently to enhance students’ speaking skills. Furthermore, language programme developers and institutions of higher learning may consider using this technology to improve English speaking skills.
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In-Text Citation: (Saidalvi et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Saidalvi, A., Mohamad, A., & Fakhruddin, W. F. W. W. (2021). Using English Vlog within YouTube as A Tool to Enhance Speaking Skills. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(8), 1200–1207.