Recently, there is an increase of directors with legal experience in several developing countries. Malaysia is also not left behind in this regard. Many organisations consider adding independent directors with legal experience for various related commitments, including non-profit organisations. The study employs a qualitative research methodology with a variety of other empirical contributions. This study demonstrates the descriptive statistics of the number of directors with legal education for non-profit organisations as of 31 December 2020. It analyses the rise of directors with legal education in Malaysian non-profit organisations. This study conducts investigations to get the number of BODs with a legal background in Malaysian NPOs and gather information on the advantages and disadvantages of having BODs with legal background. The results reinforced the descriptive statistic and arguments about the importance of having a lawyer as BODs in non-profit organisations. The finding shows that BODs with legal education may be of great value to NPOs while serving on the NPOs boards when they bring a unique set of knowledge, skills, perspectives, networks, and experiences, including an ability to spot and address particular issues and problems. Not only that, legal education teaches discipline, negotiation, dispute resolution, leadership, communication and analysis to BODs which instil the outstanding kind of work ethics.
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In-Text Citation: (Rahmat et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Rahmat, N. E., Mahamud, M. H., & Abdul Razak, M. U. (2021). The Rise of Board of Directors with Legal Education in Non-Profit Organisations: An Analysis from Malaysian Perspectives. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(8), 1184–1199.
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