International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Brand Awareness of Private University College, Melaka (PUCM)

Open access

Maryam Mohd Esa, Noorizda Emellia Mohd Aziz, Farah Saniah Mohd Zabidi, Nor Hazanah Miskan, Zamry Gafar

Pages 1174-1183 Received: 08 Jun, 2021 Revised: 16 Jul, 2021 Published Online: 24 Aug, 2021
Background: In the research field of Private University College, Melaka and from the viewpoint of Melaka residents, brand awareness plays a crucial role in their development.
Objectives: This paper identifies the impact of brand awareness, namely brand recognition, brand recall, Top of Mind Awareness; TOMA and brand knowledge.
Method: Using an online survey, the study collects data in Melaka from 300 respondents among residents in Melaka. We used the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) to test the links between dependent variable and independent variables.
Result: The results analyzed by correlation show that: (1) brand recognition has a significant positive influence on brand awareness; (2) brand recall has a significant positive influence on brand awareness; (3) Top of mind awareness (TOMA) has a significant positive influence on brand awareness; (4) brand knowledge has a significant positive influence on brand awareness.
Conclusion: From these elements we identified that brand recognition and brand recall were the most influences towards PUCM brand awareness. In the future research, researchers include all elements of brand awareness which is brand dominance and brand opinion will provide more valid research outcome.
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In-Text Citation: (Esa et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Esa, M. M., Aziz, N. E. M., Zabidi, F. S. M., Miskan, N. H., & Gafar, Z. (2021). Brand Awareness of Private University College, Melaka (PUCM). International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(8), 1174–1183.