The existence of a plural society in Malaysia has led to cross -cultural and religious interactions. This can be seen through the open house culture where all races celebrate it together. Although this culture has played an important role in fostering unity in society, the element of tasyabbuh often provokes polemics in the Muslim community because they understand it as something that is forbidden by religion. Thus, this study will discuss the concept and implications of tasyabbuh elements that may occur among Muslims in their association with other non-Muslims in Malaysia, and further suggest appropriate guidelines to be taken by the Muslim community based on current realities in Malaysia. The study was conducted qualitatively using content analysis method through examination of primary and secondary sources related to concept of tasyabbuh as well as data and statistics related to the implementation of tasyabbuh on the social interaction in Malaysia. This study found that there are some elements of tasyabbuh in some cultural practices between Muslims and non -Muslims. This study will suggest several solutions so that the practice that contains the element of tasyabbuh in cultural practice in the plural society can be continued with preserving the purity of the faith of Muslims.
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In-Text Citation: (Meerangani et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Meerangani, K. A., Sharif, D., Ramli, M. A., Hamid, M. F. A., Zulkefli, A. A., & Rafie, A. (2021). Tasyabbuh in Plural Society in Malaysia: An Islamic Perspective. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(8), 1120–1131.
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