Teaching Portfolio and Course File is an appropriate management tool to control and enhance lecturers’ teaching and learning process. Nevertheless, the current documentation holds predicaments concerning time pressure, unintegrated data, low accessibility, and paper-based. The concern of paper wastage regularly happens when teaching materials that are irrelevant need to be discarded. The circumstance, however, contradicts the drive of UiTM moving towards savings. Hence, paper-based documentation needs to be replaced with electronic systems or digital technology. The COVID-19 outbreak has restricted many activities before, and now, it still urgently necessitates a simple, user-friendly app. This research aimed to discuss relevant improvements in providing teaching portfolio documentation and course files by each lecturer of the Academy of Contemporary Islamic Studies (ACIS) at Universiti Teknologi MARA Penang Branch (UiTMCPP). The research method was a descriptive survey study employing a questionnaire. A sum of 10 lecturers was chosen as the sample for the study and represented the ACIS UiTMCPP lecturer population. The data obtained were analysed by google form by reporting the number and percentage of respondents’ responses. Besides, the ACIS UiTMCPP Quality Unit has taken the initiative by establishing an e-teaching portfolio (e-tp) and e-course file (e-cf) as a facilitation platform for ACIS lecturers. It is proven dynamic from the viewpoint of efficiency, i.e. Firstly, it is time-saving. Most online teaching and learning resources and materials have been uploaded. Therefore, the workflow becomes more streamlined and swift. Secondly, it saves costs. No photocopy costs involved. Thirdly, it boosts productivity. Teaching and learning materials can be shared among lecturers. Next, it is straightforward to use (user friendly). Users interact with the system without the need for advanced skills in the field of computers. Further, it simplifies the auditing process at UiTM.
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In-Text Citation: (Zahid & Ahmad, 2021)
To Cite this Article: Zahid, E. S. B. M., & Ahmad, N. A. B. (2021). Improvement of Teaching Portfolio and Course File for Lecturers of the Academy of Contemporary Islamic Studies (ACIS), Universiti Teknologi MARA Penang Branch. International Journal Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(8), 1109–1119.
Copyright: © 2021 The Author(s)
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