International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


A Review of the Situatedness of Place Attachment in Environment: Tracing Origins and Development Path

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This study reviews previous research on place attachment and its related situatedness in landscapes, analyzing over 200 journal articles that meet the selection criteria. The results were divided into three categories. 1. Development process: the development of place attachment has progressed from the initial concept of "Topophilia" to the broader notion of "Sense of Place." As the term "Sense of Place" is somewhat ambiguous, encompassing both positive and negative emotions, "Place Attachment" was introduced and gradually acknowledged as a positive emotion within the sense of place. 2. Situatedness of place attachment: there are six types of situatedness have been identified in global, namely community spaces, commercial places, tourist destinations, parks, heritage sites, workplaces, and religious sites. 3. Place Attachment in China: The development of place attachment in China started slightly later than globally, and the distribution of research across provinces is uneven. Research is more abundant in cities such as Shanghai, Beijing, and Hong Kong, while there is relatively less research in regions like Yunnan and Qinghai. The three outcomes of this study provide a foundation for future research, helping to understand the development context and situatedness of place attachment in landscapes, and assisting scholars in identifying research gaps.
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