International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


An Introduction to the Application of Reception (Tahammul) of Hadith in the Digital Hadith Data Development Process

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The knowledge of Reception and Delivery (tahammul wa al-Ada') narration is one of the fundamentals elements in the delivery of hadith texts from a teacher to students orally and writing. It is highly emphasized by the scholars of hadith to ensure the authority of a hadith and the sustainability of the narrated materials. The continuation of the presentation of the hadith lasts until entering the new era of IR4.0, when it can be widely disseminated through digital applications (apps, software, websites). However, the production of such digital applications does not escape from experiencing text errors such as changes in letters, lines, dots, and so on. Therefore, this study applies the discipline of reception of hadith in digital hadith data construction activities so that the errors that have been identified can be reduced from time to time. The method of the study is with a qualitative approach through data analysis and comparison. The findings of the study found several methods of reception of hadith that can be highlighted in the process of digital hadith data development, namely the method of al-Sama 'min Lafz al-Shuyukh, al-‘Ard, al-Kitabah, al-Ijazah, and al-Munawalah. It can guarantee the authority of the digital hadith text from experiencing any changes and errors of the text whether it is muharraf or musahhaf. These findings can be used as a guide by digital hadith application developers to preserve the text of hadith in a new era dimension.
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In-Text Citation: (Zulkipli et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Zulkipli, S. N., Suliaman, I., Khalid, N. K., & Anas, N. (2021). An Introduction to The Application of Reception (Tahammul) of Hadith in the Digital Hadith Data Development Process. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(8), 1056-1065.