International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Analyzing Attitude of Halal Food Purchasing Among Muslim Millennial: A Malaysian Experience

Open access

Hainnuraqma Rahim, Mohamed Saladin Abdul Rasool, Nadiah Rus Liyana Rusli, Norkumala Awang

Pages 1021-1032 Received: 07 Jun, 2021 Revised: 12 Jul, 2021 Published Online: 09 Aug, 2021
The Millennial generation is a potentially profitable target consumer group as they are financially independent and highly capable in accessing information and using the latest technology. Apart from being loyal to brands, they are very receptive to diversity, greatly independent and optimistic. Their attitudes indicate they are very concerned with quality assurance, diverse product and service selections and consumer rights. Attitude is a factor that frequently influences consumers’ choice in selecting food products. Since the Millennials are a group of consumers that are sophisticated and extremely capable of making choices, it is pivotal to understand their attitude in selecting halal food. Provided that halal food consumption is critical in shaping a Muslim’s personality. This study examined the factor of attitude among Muslim Millennials when purchasing halal food. This quantitative study applied the non-probability sampling method on 403 respondents using the SPSS version 26. Findings showed that when purchasing halal food products, factors such as halal understanding, halal logo, and religion were significant and have positive influences towards attitude of halal food purchase among Muslim Millennial generations. However, it was also found that the factor of social media influencer was not significant to the millennials. It is hoped that the findings of this study could contribute to assist in developing a marketing theory related to behavior towards halal food products.
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In-Text Citation: (Rahim et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Rahim, H., Rasool, M. S. A., Rusli, N. R. L., & Awang, N. (2021). Analyzing Attitude of Halal Food Purchasing Among Muslim Millennial: A Malaysian Experience. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(8), 1021-1032.