International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


The Relationship between Macroeconomic Factors and The Performance of Stock Market in Malaysia: The Case of Malaysia Industrial Product and Services Sector

Open access

Fatin Farazh Ya’acob, Arizwan Akbar, Zahirah Hamid Ghul, Mohamad Zaim Isamail, Nurkhairany Amyra Mokhtar

Pages 1001-1014 Received: 19 Jun, 2021 Revised: 23 Jul, 2021 Published Online: 21 Aug, 2021
For years, researchers have been studying the factors that influence stock market performance. Typically, it concentrates on Malaysia's macroeconomic conditions. The goal of this study is to close the gap by examining the elements that influence the stock market's production in Malaysia. More precisely, it includes real exchange rate, money supply, inflation rate inflation rate and US stock market in measuring their relationships with the performance of the Malaysian stock market price. This analysis attempts to expand the existing literature. It will focus on the industrial products and services sector and will collect Bursa Malaysia data as a dependent variable sample. World Bank Data were collected for independent variable data on monthly basis from 2016 until 2020. Based on the results, three out of four variables were found to be significant. Real exchange rate, money supply, and the performance of the US stock market were either substantially negative or positive in comparison to the performance of the Kuala Lumpur Industrial Product (KLIP) stock market. On the other hand, there was an insignificant relationship between the Kuala Lumpur Industrial Product (KLIP) stock market and inflation rate (CPI).
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In-Text Citation: (Ya’acob et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Ya’acob, F. F., Akbar, A., Ghul, Z. H., Isamail, M. Z., & Mokhtar, N. A. (2021). The Relationship between Macroeconomic Factors and The Performance of Stock Market in Malaysia: The Case of Malaysia Industrial Product and Services Sector. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(8), 1001-1014.