Fish detector technology widely used by commercial fishermen in Malaysia since 1963. This technology helped in increased efficiency, productivity and eased the work of fishermen. Despite the explosion of fishery knowledge and technology changes, Malaysia’s coastal fishermen community appear to lack using the appropriate fish detector technology. There are several factors that probably explain coastal fishermen doubtful to use fish detector technology. One of the prominent factors was behavior factors. Thus, this paper delved the relationship of behavioral factors towards the fish detector technology usage among coastal fishermen by using UTAUT as a main framework. Further, the study was quantitative in nature, and via a multi-stage cluster sampling, a total of 400 coastal fishermen from four selected districts had been selected as the respondents. The SPSS software was used to run an analysis. The results showed that the all four of the behavior factors (Performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence and status/personal image) have a positive significant relationship in fish detector technology usage.
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In-Text Citation: (Mazuki et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Mazuki, R., Samah, A. A., Bolong, J., & Idris, K. (2021). Relationship between of Behavioral Factors and Fish Detector Technology Usage Among Coastal Fishermen. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(8), 845-851.
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