A positive rehabilitation attitude among rehabilitation practitioners is an important factor in dealing with juvenile offenders who are undergoing correctional rehabilitation programmes. However, previous studies have found that most juvenile case workers and practitioners are seen to be less knowledgeable about the attitude that needs to be exhibited when handling juveniles. The objective of this study is to evaluate the implementation of juvenile rehabilitation programmes in terms of the practices carried out by rehabilitation practitioners. The design of this study is a mixed study through a Sequential Explanatory Design. This study was conducted at a correctional rehabilitation centre in Peninsular Malaysia. The study sample consisted of rehabilitation practitioners and juveniles. Data were collected by distributing questionnaires and conducting interview sessions. Quantitative data analysis was performed using SPSS software and qualitative data were analysed through thematic methods. The results show that the level of attitude among the practitioners is high (mean = 4.15, standard deviation = 0.39). Interviews with the practitioners showed that they practised a positive attitude when conducting juvenile rehabilitation programmes. However, juvenile informants said that the practitioners are negative towards them. Therefore, rehabilitation practitioners need to be given a training in terms of development and application of a positive rehabilitation attitude. The findings of this study have implications for policy and the practice of a positive attitude among practitioners of juvenile rehabilitation programmes in Malaysia.
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In-Text Citation: (Pauzi et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Pauzi, H. M., Saim, N. J., Kusenin, N. S. @, Kamaluddin, M. R., & Amin, W. A. A. W. M. (2021). Attitude of Rehabilitation Practitioners in Conducting Juvenile Rehabilitation Programme. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(8), 749-758.
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