Reading comprehension is the ability to comprehend text, understand its meaning, and to connect with what the reader already knows. This study aims to investigate language learning strategies used by Year 4 primary pupils of a national-type Chinese secondary school in enhancing reading comprehension. Purposive sampling was used in this study where 15 males and 15 female pupils in Year 4 from a primary school in Selangor's suburbs were involved. This study employed a quantitative approach using survey adapted from ‘Measuring ESL students reading strategies’ by Kouider Mokhtari and Ravi Sheorey (2002) as instrument. The data from the survey was analysed using descriptive statistics and the most used learning strategies in reading comprehension was a Problem-Solving Strategies which the average score is 1.12 compared to other strategies; Global Reading strategies (1.0) and Support Reading Strategies (1.11). The findings revealed that the majority of the participants chose to apply Problem-Solving Strategies. Therefore, teachers should encourage and expose students the available language learning strategies and encourage them to use the strategies according to their required necessity and suitability. Future researchers should look into the characteristics that influence language learning strategies employed in reading comprehension by lower primary school students.
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In-Text Citation: (Yee et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Yee, L. S., Hsia, L. D., Emak, L., Sandaraj, M., Kandasamy, S., & Hashim, H. (2021). Language Learning Strategies Used by Year 4 Primary Pupils in Enhancing Reading Comprehension. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(8), 719–729.
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