International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Analysis of Malay-Language Scholarly Books Distribution From the Perspectives of The Publisher

Open access

Nurul Fadzlin Mohd Asri, Sharil Nizam Sha’ri, Rohaidah Kamaruddin, Zaitul Azma Zainon Hamzah, Rozita Che Rodi

Pages 266-273 Received: 09 Jun, 2021 Revised: 28 Jun, 2021 Published Online: 06 Aug, 2021
The continuation of publication of scholarly books in Malay language should be maintained as a medium of knowledge dissemination through a written language that can be read by the people of this country. But, the Malay-language scholarly books has received poor reception among the target group. This is so because, the society underestimate the quality of the Malay language in interpreting the diverse disciplines of science. This phenomenon has affected the landscape of Malay-language scholarly book publishing industry in Malaysia. Nevertheless, there are, Malay-language scholarly books that gain recognition, both locally and internationally. This clearly proves that the quality of the book in the publishing process is one of the strategies adopted in promoting the book. Thus, this study aims to identify the Malay-language scholarly books published by Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM Press) and analyze the distribution practices of the selected Malay-language scholarly books by using the principles of marketing by Kotler & Armstrong (2019). The findings of this study prove that, UPM Press has practiced the principles of marketing as a strategy to distribute their scholarly books since the scholarly books published by the UPM Press do have its own place in the market of Malaysian book industry.
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In-Text Citation: (Asri et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Asri, N. F. M., Sha’ri, S. N., Kamaruddin, R., Hamzah, Z. A. Z., & Rodi, R. C. (2021). Analysis of Malay-Language Scholarly Books Distribution From the Perspectives of The Publisher. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(8), 266–273.