International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Relationship Between Body Composition to Physical Fitness Performance among Sarawak Futsal Players

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The physical fitness component is an important component in producing competitive futsal players. The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between body composition on the performance of physical fitness levels among Sarawak futsal players at the initial selection stage. The study population and sample consisted of Sarawak futsal players selected at the initial stage of selection. The design of this study is a cross-sectional survey study that uses motor behavior tests under physical fitness based on motor behavior. Among the fitness tests used were 20-meter Sprint Test, Illinois Agility Test, Beep Test, Agility T-Test, and BMI. The findings show that the mean age of Sarawak futsal players is µ = 21 years. The level of physical fitness based on the 20-meter sprint test showed that the mean time was µ = 3.30 seconds with 100% being the excellent category. For the Illinois Agility Test, the mean time was µ = 17.05 seconds with the highest category being moderate (65.0%). For the Beep Test, the mean time was µ = 6.93 seconds and the highest category was moderate (36.3%). For the Agility T-Test, the mean time was µ = 9.92 seconds and the highest classification was good (52.5%). The results of Pearson Correlation analysis found that BMI had a moderately significant relationship on the 20-meter Sprint Test and Illinois Agility Test namely R = 0.532, p <0.05 and R = 0.582, p <0.05. There was a significant negative relationship between BMI on the Beep Test which was R = -0.568, p <0.05. Illinois Agility’s physical fitness is a component that has a high correlation from other tests in improving player performance. Therefore, physical fitness plays an important role in forming a competitive team.
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In-Text Citation: (Gelau, 2021)
To Cite this Article: Gelau, A. A. E. (2021). Relationship Between Body Composition to Physical Fitness Performance among Sarawak Futsal Players. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(8), 181–186.