Although there is a growing awareness of the relationship between food and tourism, there is little empirical evidence documenting the perception and satisfaction among tourists that visit Malaysia. The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between the destination’s food image, destination physical image and information sources with the intention to visit and revisit the same place. At the same time, this study is regarding tourists’ satisfaction and loyalty with food and culture in Malaysia. A survey was carried out via online survey and total of 250 tourists from various background and nations were obtained using a random sampling approach analysed using SPSS. Malaysia has the potential of being a food tourism destination and viewed as a melting pot of cultural food variety as well as the existence of various cultural backgrounds. The findings also show that culinary tourism has significantly effect on tourists' satisfaction and loyalty with Malaysian food as well as behavioural intention. As a result, it explains why tourists have such a deep urge to come back. Unlike previous studies, this study compares the findings of a group of revisits to suggest a more integrated tourist loyalty. The findings support the notion of returning to Malaysia to experience the country's unique food culture. Further study can be conducted more effective by using aspect of different cultures have different perception and evaluation frameworks for food as well as tourism promotion should be customized so another future research would be conducting extensive studies in country based on various cultures and background of states to identify the motivating factors.
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In-Text Citation: (Safian et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Safian, S. S. S., Osman, A. A., Wahab, S. N., Othman, N., & Azhar, N. A. Z. M. (2021). The Effect of Culinary Tourism on Tourists’ Loyalty and Satisfaction: A Comparison Analysis Between the First and Revisit to Malaysia. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(8), 144–156.
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