Sources play a vital role in the dissemination of information. This also applies to the Doktor Muda programme in schools. The members of the Doktor Muda club are responsible for conveying health information to their peers in school. Prior to this process, these students were trained by the advisor teachers based on the guidelines in the Doktor Muda programme practise module. Thus, this study was conducted to examine students understanding of the source credibility need dimension that should be possessed by students before they were selected and appointed as a member of the Doktor Muda. This study involved 40 students from five Doktor Muda Centre of Excellence schools as informants. The data were collected through focus group discussions. Based on the finding of the focus group discussion, the informants believe that there are four source credibility dimensions that should be possessed by students before they were appointed as the member of the Doktor Muda. These dimensions are trustworthiness, competence, attractiveness, and dynamics. Each dimension is grounded on the different source capability dimension criteria. The finding of this study is hoped to help policymakers in the Ministry of Health and Ministry of Education to review the condition and process in selecting and appointing a member of the Doktor Muda in schools.
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In-Text Citation: (Zakaria et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Zakaria, M. R., Mustaffa, N., & Mohamad, E. M. W. (2021). Understanding Source Credibility in The Doktor Muda Programme: A Focus Group Discussion. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(8), 85–105.
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