International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Escalating the Importance of Preserving the Electronic Records Metadata in Online Business Transaction Activities

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This paper highlighted the importance of preserving the electronic records metadata in online business activities. Due to the COVID-19, all types of businesses are affected and need to change their process of selling the product and services to customers. As the COVID-19 restricted face-to-face transaction or physical attendance activities, the sellers and owners of business choose to conduct their business using online platform. By conducting the business online, the process of providing the evidence of transaction is required. This is where the use of electronic records as evidence of the transaction is applied. In providing the evidence, the preservation of entire metadata of electronic records is also required and becomes the importance aspect in online business. As to identify the importance, the analysis on the literatures is conducted. By using the scoping review technique, the details of the current business process activities and identification of five (5) type of metadata function are presented. The metadata function includes identifying metadata as evidence, asset, tool, application and repository. Last but not least, this paper concludes that the entire metadata function presented has becomes the key aspect in escalating the importance of preserving the electronic records metadata in online business transaction activities.
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In-Text Citation: (Bunawan, 2021)
To Cite this Article: Bunawan, A. (2021). Escalating the Importance of Preserving the Electronic Records Metadata in Online Business Transaction Activities. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(8), 73–84.