Colonization refers to the process of either an action or deed that makes a place, territory, or country a colony. The term decolonization can be defined as ‘the process by which the colonial powers shift institutional and legal control over the territory’. Through this discussion of decolonization (decolonization), the background of physical colonization in Malaysia will be explained which eventually left epistemological colonization after independence. In addition, Descartes' views on the issue of the separation of mind and body, which affect the epistemology of world society today, are also discussed. Western colonialism in Malaya have an impact on the local community aspect of scientific epistemology. Following the currents of modern, post-modern and meta-modern times now, the challenge is becoming stronger due to the current of information technology that is running so fast. The Cartesian Dualism that was born and developed in Europe eventually gave rise to the ideology of selfishness, anthropocentrism and eurosentrism. These three beliefs are the root of the problems that also plague the community in Malaysia. Therefore, the process of decolonization is important to validate this notion.
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In-Text Citation: (Yunos & Muslim, 2021)
To Cite this Article: Yunos, N., & Muslim, N. (2021). The Concept of Decolonization in Malaysia: A Philosophy Perspective. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(8), 12–23.
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