In the dynamic realm of aviation, Royal Brunei Airline (RBA) stands as a cornerstone, embodying Brunei Darussalam's pride and economic vitality. Faced with a competitive landscape and evolving customer expectations, RBA recognizes the need for continuous enhancement of internal capabilities. Coaching emerges as a transformative force, harnessing hidden talents and knowledge, with the potential to elevate both individual and collective performance. This study examines the impact of coaching initiatives at Royal Brunei Airlines (RBA) on employee development, leadership capabilities, and organizational performance, with a focus on leadership, technical skills, and soft skills. As the national carrier of Brunei Darussalam, RBA operates in a highly competitive aviation industry, where the continuous enhancement of internal capabilities is critical to maintaining a competitive edge and achieving sustainable growth. RBA recognizes the importance of leadership, technical proficiency, and soft skills in responding to evolving market dynamics, technological advancements, and customer expectations. Despite the rising popularity of coaching programs across various industries, including aviation, there remains a significant gap in understanding the effectiveness of such interventions in enhancing employee performance. This study addresses that gap by evaluating RBA's past coaching initiatives, particularly its short-term executive coaching program (2014– 2017) and the Young Entrepreneurs Program (YEP) for talent management and succession planning. Although RBA no longer has a structured coaching program, the research explores the potential for improving these initiatives to better meet the developmental needs of the workforce and align with RBA’s strategic goals.
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